Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Pain. Boredom.


Remember back in September I was taken a bit ill?

Well, on Wednesday I began to suffer the exact same symptoms ended up being collected from my house by paramedics who ambo'd me to the nearest hospital. I was in lots of pain again so they immediately shot me down with some morphine which has made the first 12 hours or so pretty hard to remember.

Basically it was a different hospital this time but a very similar (identical) routine. They done all of the cardio, ultra, xrays, CT SCAN (GNAGH!), etc. This time I had a bonus though - they decided I was such an odd case I needed to be quarantined. I was put in isolation and and only prodded and poked by docs in anti-contamination gear. Note to self: Don't tell paranoid confused doctors you've been to Peru, Bolivia and Europe in the last 6 months.

Although the pain and symptoms were worse this time (Pulse over 130, almost 40 degree fever, extreme blood pressure, extreme pain)

After a couple of days I stabalised but was kept on a water only diet fed by drip in a silent room with no TV, nothing to read, etc. For one whole day the only entertainment I got was listening to some whiner in the room next door telling the doctor of his problems. That inspired these artistic creations - A collection I called "Only me gets this bored"


Blogger em nadim said...

are they sure it's not salmonella or malaria? i know someone who had salmonella and the symptoms were identical, the doctors also treated like a mystery until just before it was too late.

12:40 am  
Blogger Only me said...

Bala wala shi: I hope your friend recovered? It's not that in my case although they did suspect it at one point. Together with Tonsilitis (until I told them I had none) and Mumps, and virtually everything else. They were thorough....!

9:57 pm  
Blogger goblinbox said...

They seriously have no idea what your deal is? Is the pain everywhere? What's up with your BP? Do you have mad cow disease? BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE WAY COOL!

2:56 pm  

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