Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bad. Followed by good

My neighbour invited me to breakfast today. We had champaigne with the orange juice cos he was celebrating. Then we some more OJ. I didn't even realise he'd laced it with vodka until he told me.

Due to the recent diet thing it went straight to my head. And I was due to see S.

I managed to get to see S but I was out of it.


I feel SO guilty.

S seems to be ok with it but I feel like a big shit. And my neighbour has been out since I got home so I've not had the chance to kick his arse either.

The good:
I had a fantabulous avo with S. Enjoyed it lots. She's a great friend.

My mate from Ireland called me. 4 hours later we'd caught up on all our news and even talked about all the shit in his science magazine. Shit such as: "Do insects ever get fat?" I feel I answered them all in a scientific and precise manner. Ha ha ha ha!


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