Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Finally! A sort of serious post!

Well. What a strange 24 hours it's been friends and neighbours. Last night I spent almost all my time chatting on messenger/Gmail chat. Three very memorable conversations. The first was with a new reader who also reads TTs website. It was so odd to pour my heart out to someone I've never met and yet trusted so much. It was also odd to chat with someone that has access to both blogs. She's only the second person in the world to my knowledge because I did actually give TTs address to another wonderfully supportive reader the other day. But this was the opposite was around - it was one of TT's readers that I then told my address.

Oh, It's so odd.

Then, I happened to check stumble across a website where someone had posted a note saying they wanted a partner to join a Latin Dancing club. I emailed the person to say that TT and I used to go and that there was no need to take a partner since everyone just gets randomly paired anyway. Lots of singles attend. I got an email reply from her and somehow we then ended up chatting on messenger. Again, she had advice for me regards current situation.

Isn't it just amazing how nice the world is? I'm so used to moaning about people and noticing all the things wrong with the world and yet now, when I need support, I'm getting it from complete strangers as well as blog friends and real friends. Because of the way things are I'm still seeing most things through black tinted glasses, but despite my depression decent people are appearing in droves to help me.

The final conversation was really odd. It was with a friend in the UK who's happily married. For some reason she asked if I was happy with TT. Of course I said I was because I don't want the news to be public to my friends and family yet. I asked why she'd asked and she said, as though it was the most normal thing in the world, "Oh, me and hubby just took some pictures of me naked and I was going to ask what you thought of them. But I wont since TT probably wouldn't approve..."

Eh? What the fuck?!

I told her TT really wouldn't mind and she sent me three photos. How odd is that? This is a girl I went to college with. In fact, there's even a picture of her on this blog somewhere. We dated a bit years ago, but since then we've just been friends. Why on earth did she offer to do such a weird thing? How lucky am I that I could accept the offer with only a huge feeling of guilt rather than a devastating one?!

I ended up going to bed about 5am and, get this, woke at 3pm. Yeah, honestly. I think it's because the last few days I've had slight sleep issues. Ie. Couldn't do it.

I was in a bit of a dilemma then. I'd managed to get invited to the Brissy Bloggers meet up. And I know none of them except of course my new reader that primarily reads TT. I really wasn't sure whether to attend or not. So I done the obvious thing and fell asleep on the patio. And got sunburnt. I'm so with it this weekend.

I woke up and instantly started chatting with yet another wonderful reader. You guys are SO keeping me going. I googled for a map of where the venue for the blogger meet up was. It was at the end of my fucking street! I walk past it every day! I decided I would go so I got showered and headed off.

We met at a Japanese restaurant. Here's some advice: If you're not too shit hot at using chopsticks, never order noodle soup. I've always been happy using them, but for noodle soup? I thought that was slightly excessive.

I met some wonderful people, so friendly. The only problem was that there were about 12 people there and we were on bench style seating. A round table would have really helped the social aspect (Sorry Jen!)

We then headed off to a smaller ice-cream cafe type place across the street. A few people had left the group by then so it was more social because the people left could all interact more. Apart from a disagreement on the Aussie terms for vegetables (fucking capsicums and shallots reared there ugly alternate names again!) a good time seemed to be had by all. And honestly, I don't think anyone was that pissed of with me for the shallot thing!

I was in an odd mood, due to the current circumstances, so I feel a bit worried that I was a bit of a splodge on the evening. Smiling in company is such a strain at the moment. Hopefully I may be invited to another and I'll rock up smiling and happy. Let's hope eh?


Blogger Jen said...

Yay, I'm glad you did come! It's always hard to get a place big enough for everyone to talk properly, we normally try and go two places so everyone resettles in a different arrangement so you eventually get to talk to everyone.

Everyone thought you were quite lovely so it was just you who thought you weren't tip top, the first one is always a bit daunting because EVERYONE is strangers but you'll be right for the next time :)

P.S Did they not give you a fork and spoon with your meal? Everyone at my end got them :D

7:13 am  
Blogger Only me said...

I'm glad I came too. I met TT today to sort out household bills and stuff and I was glad we had something to talk about.

I certainly wasn't "tip top" but if I get invited again I'll try to be! And no, I just chopsticks. That's why the guys sat to my right (who weren't part of the group) were looking at me so strangely: Every time I slurped up a noodle some soup flicked onto the blokes cheek.

Oh well, that's what you get for joining our table eh?!

8:05 pm  
Blogger just me said...

I would chat with ya sometime, but I am in the states, so we are basically on opposite time zones. But I have my chat open all the time because I think I need to talk to 12 people at a time while trying to work, it's a sickness.

It's weird but a while back I was going to ask for tt's blog addy but I never got around to it. Yes I am a lazy multitasker, go figure.

2:27 am  
Blogger Only me said...

waluley: The time zone makes very little difference, I don't really do sleep! However, although the last few weeks I've been pretty much working from home (hence able to chat and work productively) right now I think I'm going to have to start attending the office more regularly - and be unproductive due to constant colleague distraction.

But I also suspect that since at the moment I have a "Fuck Off" attitude I may have accelerated the ending of my already well-extended contract. If that happens I'll be at home again cos I fancy some time to do whatever I want right now anyway.

Fortunately work is pretty easy to find here so when I've cured myself (probably with some wild travel) I'll get another contract.

Essay over: If you want to add me as a contact the address is "". I know it's rude, it's odd because I so rarely swear....

8:10 am  
Blogger goblinbox said...

I've never been to a blogger meetup, how lucky of you! And now, when you probably need to go out and be distracted more than ever.

I think the naked pix thing wasn't about normal/abnormal or propriety; probably the woman felt they turned out well and wanted some feedback that wasn't from the man who HAS to say they look good! *grin*

2:37 am  

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