Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Messenger silliness

Two excerpts from recent Messenger chats with my wonderful mum:

Chat #1
Mum: So what are you up to son?

Me: Gonna grab a tallie from the bottlo

Mum: What's a bottlo?

Me: A bottleshop - an offie in the UK

Mum: ok. What's a tallie?

Me: It's a long neck

Mum: Which is?

Me: A big stubbie

Mum: What the hell is a stubbie?

Me: A small bottle of beer

Mum: So why the hell didn't you just say you're going to the off-license to get a large bottle of beer?

Me: "Gonna grab a tallie from the bottlo" is easier!

Mum: It's such a shame you've already forgotten how to speak English my son!

Chat #2
Mum: I woke up with toothache so I called my dentist but he's in Prague

Me: Shit mate! That's a long way to go whenever you get toothache! Why don't you register with one that's nearer home?

Mum: You think you're funny but you're not. And making me laugh is not helping!

Me: I crack me up. Really hope it gets better soon...

I love her to pieces! I am concerned about my increasing aussieness though. Whenever I speak to anyone on the phone in the UK they make comments. I think it's more the increased coarseness, decreased shyness and the use of slang. I keep ending nouns with "ie" or "o" as is the aussie way. I guess it's like living in any foreign country - when you're surrounded you just can't help but absorb it.


Blogger just me said...

Hilarious, it's such fun to mess with my mom. My problem with Messenger or IM is that my humor doesn't always come through. People sometimes think I am being short or mean when it's just sarcasm.

I had a roomie from NZ for a year and when she used slang it made my brain hurt.

11:04 pm  
Blogger goblinbox said...

LOL! Priceless!

4:52 am  
Blogger dykewife said...

heh...sounds like your mom is a very cool lady.

go ahead and absorb away. then you can go home and horrify all your old friends and your mom's neighbours :)

2:11 pm  
Blogger Only me said...

Waluley: Writing is tougher than being there in person! But generally I manage to piss people off both ways - I'm a pro ;)

goblinbox: Glad to make you smile honey!

dykewife: She's totally brill. Don't want to absorb. 'Aw mate, that'd make me sownd loike a bogan, ey? Sheet, can't 'ave that fuckn appening....'

Her neighbours are too old, they'd be very bewildered if I went back like that!

3:17 am  

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