Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Souper quality

Out of laziness I decided to have a can of soup for lunch. It was Heinz "Big 'n' Chunky" Beef and Veg. Well. It was supposed to be. I opened the can and poured it into the saucepan in one smooth movement - I used to be a canned food connoisseur. But most of it spilt in transit or splashed back out of the saucepan.

Why? Because it was thinner than an anorexic Ethiopian - it was like water but with less sustenance.

On the tin it says "If dissatisfied with this quality product please return packaging and contents to..." Er. Excuse me Mr Fucking Heinz, but how the fuck do I do that exactly?! The fucking stuff is so diluted it would probably evaporate if I tried to pour it into a fucking envelope. And I'm not 100% sure on where exactly to buy a waterproof envelope.

Luckily I was chatting with Two Cents at the time and she had the remarkably good idea of delivering it in person. But can you imagine it?

Me: "Hi receptionist, I'm here for an 11 o' clock with the director of quality control"


Director: "Who are you?!"

Me: "Oh, I just wondered if you could answer a question or two for me. How the hell did you get your job? Did you find a token in a cereal box or something?"

Director: "Ummmm...."

Me: "And how do you keep it? Do you suck off the boss under the desk or what?"

Director: "Is there a problem?"

Me: [sloops the soup over him] "There's the product and here's the fucking packaging!" [thud]

Really, I don't see that I have any other choice. After all, I am dissatisfied and that's what the tin says I must do.


Blogger Jen said...

Your first mistake = canned soup.

At Coles they have rather nice soup in a bag, around in the vegetarian food or fresh pasta section.

It's like freshly made soup, the indian pea (or something to that effect) is very yummy and another one that is orange with pasta bits in it is nice as well.

I reckon those padded envelopes would be water tight enough to at least get the postage paid and over the counter of the Post Office, from then on it's Australia Post's problem :D

9:35 pm  
Blogger Only me said...

delightful 'ocker shiela' jen: (Sorry, I had to do it! Sorry everyone else, private joke)

I hate Coles though. My local one always smells of sewerage for some reason. And once I bought some parsnips there that ruined a really decent stew that took me hours to cook!

You're probably right about the envelopes. But I'd lose all the satisfaction. Unless I invent some sort of cunning spring mechanism....

Cheers for communicating ;)

3:11 am  
Blogger goblinbox said...

You must learn to make your own soup. I have many, many soup recipes on my site. Search 'recipes' or 'soup.' ;-)

2:32 am  

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