Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Monday, October 02, 2006

My other blog, tartrazine, strange place names, frequently used passwords, quartazone and stuff (!)

As some of you are aware I have another blog. It's not much like this one, it's much more filtered because it's for my family and friends to read rather than these anonymous rantings. However, I've been going through statcounter this morning and I notice that one of my readers here actually stumbled upon it. By looking at the google search string they used to find it I guess it was by accident. But hello anyway. I presume you know who you are?

The reason I was looking at statcounter was because of something I read on Jays site. I can understand his frustration and it may make him happy to know that I also feel ripped off. Like me, he refuses to do memes but someone "pinched" his idea before he got a chance to do it so he went ahead and done it anyway. And I've had the same idea too so I may go ahead and do it too. I don't view it as a meme so long as I had the idea before reading it somewhere.

Basically he felt the urge to comment on some of the google (Legal Disclaimer: Other search engines are available. But they're shit) search strings that people had found his site from. Although I get some very frequent search strings some are just plain odd. And I've no idea how they work to find my site.

These ones are genuine and recur loads of times. I get at least 30% of my new hits from these. If you want to be a "hit whore" build these into your site title:

Frequently used passwords
Strange place names

Now the strange ones I've had since I got up this morning:

"er hairstyles"
Page 10 on What on earth? Who was sad enough to go through ten pages of results and then click on my entry about a long weekend in Surfers Paradise?

"How many animals a year get tortured"
Number 1 of 3 results. What's up with that? Surely more people must care about tortured animals? How come there are only three results? And I didn't even write anything about it! So the number one link is crap, it's me posting about surfer paradise again!

"Ickle cubes"
hit 7 of 18000 on
What on earth would possess you to search for "ickle cubes"?! And then to click on my recipe for spicy beans?

"correct temperature for a huntsman spider"
Result 3 on AOL.
Please don't read my blog anymore you weirdo. When it comes to huntsman spiders I don't give a fuck about the correct temperature. The correct location however is very important. As far away from me as possible.

"Mysterious in china"
Result 3 of 13 million!!!!! On

I'm impressed with this one! 3 of 13 million! And can you imagine which post it was? The one with the little china man talking about my "lirrle computer"!!

Lol. Result 4 on google Norway (

I guess I'm guilty as charged. I do use "Gaagh" and similar rather frequently

During my research for that (looking at statcounter) I discovered two important things. Firstly, the Jiffy cornmix kindly sent to me by Mr VUBOQ is also a popular hit. And I've discovered a new blog worth reading. I'll add it to my sidebar shortly.


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