Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sickest thing on TV - evuh



I had to turn it off. Wrong on so many levels, but mainly the sickos that thought / think this is good tv. I don't know the presenters name - I can think of a few but they'd get me shut down forever.


Blogger R said...



7:30 am  
Blogger dykewife said...

many shows pander to the most base of human characteristics. the sad thing is that it is hard to turn away from that kind of slowing down to gawk at an auto crash...seeing the gore and being glad that it wasn't oneself.

human nature can be pretty fucking heartless and low.

7:28 pm  
Blogger goblinbox said...

Been cheated on, have we?

9:26 am  

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