Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy hump day y'all

Today I had to leave work early. Why? Cos my neighbour called to tell me my house was flooding. Yikes.

I rushed home to find no drama and neighbour sat on my deck. The explanation? She's scored a new job and wanted to celebrate. She thought I was on speaker - phone, potentially with bosses or clients so she made up a story.

Thanks love. (Whats the keyboard shortcut / emoticon for "Dripping sarcasm"?)

I has two stories for you though, 1 is about the evolving lunch which i cant tell in completiness until tomoz.

The other is about bacteria and my very own sis doubting my sanity.

Oh, and a random from the past about a posh fuck and a tent.

3 exciting stories! Well, I hope that keeps you all in suspensders and check back in a day or two for more info.

Sweet dreams.......


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