My life
A few nights ago I was chatting with Ms. Lost on IM and I mentioned that I had an idea for a post that could be used as a meme.
Basically, list years from 2007 to earliest you can remember and next to each year write down what you remember most from that year. But keep it as limited as possible, not a life story. People may ask you for more info on something whih gives you subject for future posts. Here's what I mean. Pls join in. Consider yourselves "tagged". (How do I do that btw?!)
2007 - 31 - Peru trip with tt, UK/Eurotrip with S
2006 - 30 - Moving to Aus, started blog
2005 - 29 - Physically meeting tt in Aus, Eurotrip with tt
2004 - 28 - Met N, My company nominated for big award
2003 - 27 - My nan died :( - I rushed my dad to the hospital and got tangled with police but we still didn't arrive in time :(
2002 - 26 - Met tt online, Travelled to SA and Carribean, formed my third company
2001 - 25 - Lost huge amount of weight, travelled with work.
2000 - 24 - Met Jas, Progressed from temp worker to software development manager in 2 months. Got irate at people claiming the y2k was a hoax. Grr! We just fucking fixed it ok?!
1999 - 23 - Neice born, split with first serious g/f, My dog dies :(
1998 - 22 - Grandad died :(, Quit first real job and formed my first company
1997 - 21 - Wild years of sex, drugs and rock and roll, I remember very random threesomes, meeting tartantula on a trike.
1996 - 20 - wild years of sex, drugs and rock and roll, Playing pool, scrapping, running away, being bad.
1995 - 19 - First own house, First real job in IT, first holiday on own overseas
1994 - 18 - Met H, Started dating first serious g/f, started smoking :(
1993 - 17 - Passed driving test - gained freedom. First legal barjob
1992 - 16 - Graduated high school with good results. Sailed all summer
1991 - 15 - Suspended from high shool - embarrasing
1990 - 14 - Learnt about bullying - defend yourselves people, school friend comitted suicide :(
1989 - 13 - Learnt french the best way - going there for a bit and spending evenings in bars
1988 - 12 - Quit last year of previous school, took time in france, then started high school, met Dr. Ips
1987 - 11 - Rocked the school with a satire mock script of the class teacher, Got my dog!
1986 - 10 - First IT job (for Halliburton)
1985 - 9 - First encounter with police
1984 - 8 - Arm broken by school bully
1983 - 7 - Other grandparents died :(
1982 - 6 - Ran away from school cos hated new teacher
1981 - 5 - Started school
1980 - 4 - First bully encounter - had jelly cube stolen at preschool
1979 - 3 - Operation on my eyes which hurt lots
1978 - 2 - Can't remember
1977 - 1 - Can't remember
1976 - 0 - Born
As you'll realise, it's pretty hard to summarise your life. Fun though, I found. And the best bit? I don't regret a fucking thing! (With exception to the mentioned passing aways - bless all of them, they're fondly remembered always)
Ok, if this works I will be amazed!! Me and technical stuff don't always go hand in hand. Not a bad list of achievements. A little work, lots of beer and even more fun, fron the age of 16. Good boy!!!
YAY now I have something to post about
Ooooohhhh!! I am SO doing this too... Only, my memory is a tad fuzzy in parts. Interesting though!
I can't even remember what I did yesterday ... I'll have to think about it.
Threesomes! You naughty monkey!
Why did you get suspended? What were you doing? (first serious g/f!)
What happened to the tarantula and was it anything to do with the trike?
Me finks you've left a few fings out mate. Can any of your readers hazard a guess as to what things you've omitted to tell them about?
pud: Welcome my lil sis! Thanks for the compliment but you knew all that anyway?
Just Me: I'm almost a public service. Or pubic. Whatever.
Two cents: You did too! You're playing catch up me thinks. Always knew you were an innocent really...
Mr V: Try harder! Yours would be funny.
Rachael: You don't know the half of it mate
W.Aussie: G'day chick! How's you? The suspension was a set up. I was framed. I didn't really sell weapons in school. What exactly is a crossbow? And this 'sling shot' that was referred to? Colour me confused. As for the air pistol - well, as if.
W.Aussie: The tarantula was fine but the dog got lost. So we used the trike to hunt it down. It's too long a story, have to be the subject of another post. Was fucking funny though. You were in the bar next door when it all started. Now you know why I never came home that night ;)
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