Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Dykewife knows everything every mum should know. She'll know the answer to this but I'd value other peoples ideas:

Where in the kitchen should bread be stored? (Hint: Pomms have bread bins)


Blogger R said...

I put all mine in the freezer cos i can never eat it fast enough!

In my experience breadbins are always full of mouldy crap cos everyone forgets they're there...


3:28 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would strongly suggest that you keep your bread as far away as possible from the toaster at all times ... or get rid of the toaster. Why do their settings always lie to us?? Why does 1, 2 and 3 result in slightly warmed bread whilst 4, 5 and 6 result in charcoal and numerous health and safety concerns? I reckon toaster designers had dreams of jobs in which they design cool stuff but got stuck in their current dead-end job and are taking it out on the rest of the world. Bastards!!

4:33 am  
Blogger goblinbox said...

In the summer, bread belongs in the fridge to keep it from molding. In the winter, it can be on the counter or in a cupboard.

If you like crispy toast, bread should always be stored in the fridge - starting with cold bread makes crispier toast.

Bread bins are for storing old paperwork, aren't they?

10:52 am  
Blogger dykewife said...

heh...we keep ours in the convection oven when it's not being used (the oven that is) because that's where we have space, otherwise we just keep in a bag on the countertop

12:38 pm  
Blogger just me said...

We keep ours in the fridge or freezer. More than likely the freezer cause it goes green and furry too fast for us to eat it.

11:33 pm  
Blogger Only me said...

Rachael: Back in the UK my mate had the best bread bin ever. It was full off green, but not in mould way. It also had a small set of scales and little polythene bags. Yeah, he were naughty.

Droopy Drawers: Your the Dr. You be clever and invent a good one. I can't get rid of toaster, there's no quicker emergency lighter, microwave just don't cut it.

Gobbo: Thanks for the cold bread hint. Never knew that. Burning it to buggery is my normal method for crunchines.

Dyko: I SO didn't expect that answer.

Just You: You just copied Rach. Nevertheless, it was worth repeating. I've now taken to storing bread in the freezer.

11:19 pm  

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