Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Too thinky

Why do girls behave the way they do? I suppose if I knew the answer to that I could be the richest boy in the world.

One thing I've been pondering recently is my most recent ex-partner, tt. I don't know why I've been thinking about it really but I think it's cos of a couple of really deep seated questions that I can't answer.

a) She was always a "nice" girl. She never swore or done anything vaguely rebellious. So why was she unfaithful to her boyfreind and sleep with my within less than a week of us meeting here in Aus? It certainly wasn't because of any pressure applied to me because I remember the embarrasment / excitement when in a hotel room in Cairns she asked me "Do you have any condoms?" and I was pretty pleased with being able to truthfully answer "NO! I didn't expect anything to happen!"

b) We were together for over a year before she told her "best friend". Why did she wait so long? (Actually, this may be because she wasn't actually that close to the "best friend" - I remember her once telling me about a time she wrote a hugely bitchy blog post about her and then had to remove it in a hurry when she remembered that "friend" actually knew her blog address and sometimes read it. Lol)

c) How come now that we've "amicably" split up she's trying to get money out of me all the time? I've paid her back for the furniture she bought at our place, at her price. I gave her money for the rent even when I was still living in the UK. I paid for our travel around UK and Europe. I paid for our Peru adventure. I don't regret a single penny, I love her and wanted to make her happy. But now we're no longer together, why try to keep getting money from me? It seems the only time I get emails from her now is when she needs cash.

I'll stop whinging now, I'll just do as millions of other boys have done and admit that men are from Mars and ex's can kiss Uranus are from Venus.


Blogger vuboq said...

Perhaps she keeps trying to get money from you because you keep giving it to her?

btw, can I have some money?

oh, and men don't make much sense either. really.

12:21 am  
Blogger just me said...

I agree with Vuboq. She knows you will give it to her, so she asks for it.

You don't have to give it to her anymore.

and you know I am having garage issues, so if you can float me a few hundred I would really appreciate it.

You aren't being too thinky, all of those questions confuse me as well, and I'm a girl.

12:40 am  
Blogger just me said...

I do have a thought about the first issue.

You did know her and talk to her online for quite some time before moving to Aus. Women tend to connect with people emotionally first before the physical. So you already had that by the time you came to Aus. And from what I remember her boyfriend at the time was a complete asshole, so she was disconnected from him already.

So the jumping into bed within less than a week wasn't really less than a week emotionally, just physical proximity.

Just a thought

12:46 am  
Blogger Only me said...

vuboq: You're right about boys not making sense too I guess. Perhaps I should have been more PC and said "How come partners are so confusing?"!

Just me #1: The satisfaction of seeing the bitch across the road scowl at your new garage is all the satisfaction you need - that's gotta be better than $. And yes, you may be a girl but you swear like a trooper!

Just me #2: Kind of valid point I guess. I guess I just didn't expect it. She always seems "too nice" to do that sort of thing. I can't remember how long she was with her previous partner and in all that time she only ever snogged one other person. And then it took me days to stop her feeling bad about it. So I didn't expect her to go "all the way" with me.

5:43 pm  

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