We had a good day. And I'm not taking the hiss....
For once we actually had a plan for the weekend. It's weird - we both look forward to the weekend and yet almost invariably when it turns up we have no idea what to do with it. Although living so near to the city is great it's not a lot of fun when you've got no spare cash to enjoy it.
The weather is getting ever hotter so any time spent outside is a great risk of skin cancer. Beleive it or not, weekends tend to be really dull. This weekend however, we had a plan. First up, I am at long last going to get my first trip on a city kitty.
"City Kitty" is one of T's phrases. They're actually called city cats (short for catamaran) but she always calls them city kittys. Cos it rhymes and stuff.
Anyhoo, I digress. This weekend we had a plan. I've always wanted to try the kitties. And we've got a terminal just around the corner from our house. We planned to get one to a place called South Bank which is near where T used to live. We chose that because it has loads of big lizards (Bearded Dragons) and I wanted to see them. We were then going to wander through the sunday markets and go for a beer in the English pub. Sounds good eh?
The plan went wrong almost immediately. I decided to take some rubbish out to the bin while T was in the shower. I was not expecting to walk straight into a massive cobweb with spiders the size of my palm in it. Shocked? Um. That would be an understatement of gigantual proportions. Shit myself totally? Yes. That's much more accurate. I mean, you just don't expect that shit outside your front door do you? I dropped the bottles and they shattered everywhere. I then trod on the broken glas while flailing my arms madly. I'm such a girl.
Other than that, the first part of the plan worked very well. We caught our city kitty and the cruise along the river was brill. We alighted at Southbank without hassle and we walked along the river bank to the spot with all the rocks and basking lizards. They were great. Most were about a foot long or so, some were bigger.
Oh my God, then....
Well, how about I just show you a picture eh?

Does he look small and woosy? OK. Fine. Let me show you another picture...
Yes, those are foot-long dragons to his right. Three of them. And that's him wrapped all around the rocks. Does that put it into perspective a little more?! He was about 3m long. T is good with local wildlife, it takes a lot to shock her but her jaw just hit the deck. We didn't have a clue what to do.
The big issue was that kids were playing in the park behind us and we were really worried what would happed if they saw it. We hung around for about half an hour hoping a plod would walk by. It didn't happen. In the end we went to the nearest police station and told them about it. They put us onto "Pest control"(!) and we had to describe it. Snakes aren't uncommon over here of course, but such a large on in a residential area is a little concerning.
It turned out to be a completetly harmless carpet snake and the guys at plod station were sent to deal with it.
We then resumed our plans and wandered thought the markets. Nothing very exciting there. We went to the English pub only to discover it's under new management and has turned really posh. Not our scene at all.
We wandered into the city, grabbed some lunch and then headed home. It was a pretty good day, all in all. On the way home we stopped at block buster and got out Austin Powers. Is there no end to my childishness?
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