As promised
You have to say "Thanks for letting Mr Me borrow your camera TT" because my phone memory stick reader thing is rooted. It just doesn't want to work anymore so I had to borrow her "real" camera for this.
I didn't take as many photos as I wanted because I'd arranged to go out for a beer with a work colleauge. And I'm still hungover. It turned into a bit of a silly night. My head=ow. Yeah, I know - I'm old enough to know better.

Mr Vuboq asked for some pictures of trees in my refrigerator. Unfortunately the evolutionary process takes some time and the best I could find was some mouldy cheese. So I took these pictures of trees instead. The one on the left is the biggest tree in Brisbane. It's some kind of fig tree. The bit to the right, behind the white car is still part of the same tree. It drops "feelers" from it's branches which in time turn into more trunks to support its mass. I think it's cool. As trees go.

I call these "Fat palm tree things." They probably have a more scientific latin name but I can't be arsed to find out. To put there fatness into proportion I asked TT to stand in front of one. She did so but wont allow me to publish the photo. So I've drawn her in instead just so you can get an idea:

I've just shown her my "art" and she hates that even more than the photo. Not too surprising really. She's extremely attractive in reality.

This is called George Square. Its like the Brisbane equivilent of er.....somewhere good.

Street markets are popular here. This one is of the "Valley market" which takes place every saturday (and to a lesser extent) sunday just around the corner.

The local pest birds are called Ibis's. They're scary looking eh?
Well. That's all my photos for now. Click on any to enbiggen.
Sorry P.Dub, I called Jonny but he said he wasn't in the mood for photos. Apparently I need to make an appointment. Bloody celebs nowadays....
Need to go zzz now. I'm really tired. I suspect I'll post loads more tomorrow since I feel shitty and suspect I'll be chucking a sicky. I'll prob go to work in the morning just to "show willing", moan like hell and then leave about midday. We'll see.
Hope you all had a great weekend.
PS. Found a nice new blog today which I promised the author I'd link to immediately. I can't be arsed to do settings stuff now but check back tomorrow and it'll be on my link bar thing....
I'm not a huge fan of Brissy (heck, I think the rest of the capital cities are all inferior to melbourne, hehehe!) but one thing I envy is Northern QLD - particularly the Cairns/Atherton Tablelands region. That fig tree looks like the Cathedral Fig I saw up there, but a much younger version (
I know several other readers that will love this blog. Hey man you have a really insane blog here. Perhaps you will find my blog about Affordable Travel interesting.
Ellie: Bah. Melbourne, Smellbourne. Only joking, never been their but would love to as I hear it's rather European. Cobbled streets, cafes and all that? I was tempted to take TT there for her B'day in June but we didn't in the end. Soon though. We went to Cairns last year and Fitzroy island. Have you been there? It's wonderful. PS. I've added your link now
Other 2 comments: Yey for comment spam. Twats.
Love the one with the drawing, haha! Very classic.
heidi: I'm very proud of my artistic abilities. I'm especially good at animals...!
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