Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Friday, October 06, 2006

I'm sorry I don't have anything exciting to tell you

I've been really productive this week. I've actually enjoyed going to work and thinking about the things I'm going to get done during the day. That's a bit crappy of me isn't it? I think this is because

a) The boss guy is on holiday Isn't is amazing how much more fun work is when the boss isn't around? Although the atmosphere has been much lighter and good humoured everyone in my little department has got loads done. I think there's a lesson to be learnt here.

b) They're sending me to train some guys how to use the first program I've written for them.
Although running training sessions used to be a weekly/sometimes daily chore at my old company I'm looking forward to this one. The reason being that I actually miss it! Also, and more importantly, it involves flying to another part of Australia for a few nights. Yey! Travel again! The only downside to this mini adventure is that I have to take my most annoying coworker with me. I guess every silver lining has it's dark cloud.

The bus has arrived at work now. I'll continue on my way home.

[Approx 9 hours later....]

(a 'person' just got on the bus who was so feminine looking I couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl. Then when it reached me I noticed extremely hairy legs. I think/hope it's a boy)

I've not got anything planned for the weekend. We're got a dance party thing this evening but after a hard weeks work I'd rather do something involving beer. I enjoy the dancing, but we only had a class last night and this party thing goes on for hours. Fortunately TT has the day off and is going out with her best friend. Best friend sent her an SMS last night saying "We're gonna drink loads of beer tomorrow - yay!".

This morning TT was telling me she was only going to have one because of the party. However, the best friend can be very persuasive so I'm hoping that TT is pissed by now and has changed her mind about going to the party. I'm mean aren't I?

Anyhoo, apart from that I don't have anything planned. I think I may do some cooking. I love cooking so all I've got to decide is what to cook. I'll probably do some Punjabi Beans because they freeze well and then I can make the office smell next week by taking them for my lunch and warming them up in the microwave.

The work microwave is terribly powerful though so I'll have to remember to turn down the setting otherwise I can imagine an explosion of beans and curry. I'll probably think of some other dish too though because I always feel selfish if I cook something just for me. TT doesn't like hot spices like me. Perhaps I'll do something Greek for her because that's one of her favourites.

I may even browse through Mr Vuboqs site as he often posts recipes. Any suggestions anyone? It would be good to try something new. I don't need recipes because I never follow them anyway. My favourite method of cooking is as follows:

At restaurants TT and I both tend to order something we've not tried before. If we like it I make a mental note of the dishes name. Then I google it, read four or five recipes, spot the similarities in ingredients and techniques and then go off to the kitchen and prepare my interpretation.

Moussaka was a good example of this. You should try searching recipe sites for moussaka. You'll find that no too recipes have the same recipe for the topping stuff. Some suggest yogurt bases, some creme frais, some egg and cheese, loads of options. I knew what I wanted to achieve though so I made a standard bechamel sauce and beat in some egg yolks. Came out a treat if I say so myself.

So yeah, cooking and probably some car hunting. Because I've still not been paid I can't afford to get a car yet. I like to look because it cheers me up and reminds me that as soon as "The Visa" comes through I can get paid and I can buy a car. No more bus for me then. Yay!

When I do finally buy a car it will probably be done privately because I'm a tight bastard and that's the way to the best deal. But at the moment I wouldn't be able to do that because I've no idea what to look for in the car ads. The cars here all have different names. I've no idea what a commodore, falcon or festiva are? In the UK virtually every car has a different name to here. So I need to go to a car yard so that I can look around and think "Oooh, that ones cool, what is it?" then I'll know what to look for in the paper.

I still want a Jeep Wrangler to be honest but my first pay packet wont be enough to buy one of those (I've got to pay for our South American flights and trip out of my first pay too!) so I'll probably just get something crappy and wait until the next month to upgrade.

Oh, on "The Visa" front I've been told that is mandatory to provide a chest X-ray. More expense and hassle. I'm only bloody 30, is that really necessary? Even once the visa arrives it wont entitle me to use the health service over here so I don't see why it matters to them. But, if it helps me get paid then so be it. Fun eh? Has anyone every had one of those? I presume it's painless and pretty quick?

Well, bus is nearly home now so I'd better start packing up the laptop and stuff. Have a good weekend y'all. I'll try and make the next post less drivelly. In my defense I can't help it that nothing exciting has happened recently. When I get my car I'll have more time for fun and adventures!


Blogger vuboq said...

greetings from London! *smooch*

if you buy a car, when will you blog? hmmm?

7:18 am  
Blogger Only me said...

vuboq: In all the spare time I'll have at home! Yay!

6:16 pm  

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