Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Apologies y'all

TT and I have been layed up in bed for most of the week again. I've never been ill so frequently until I moved to Aus and yet my diet and happiness has improved so much.

I don't understand it at all. Sorry folks, I'm back to work today though (hence the 5am start - gnagh.)

I've written a few notes so I'll try and change that to a blog post during the day and post it next day or two. Don't forget that I'm going to New Zealand tomorrow though, albeit just for an overnight jaunt.

You just know that'll lead to stories for Sunday don't you?!

Double take


Blogger P. said...

Every time I've lived somewhere new (far too sodding frequently) I've had a physical period of readjustment. And I have a hardened 'constitution', so if you're not so hardened it can easily affect you. Different air, different water and a shitload of new bacteria to get used to. Hope you're both well soon.

6:57 am  

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