Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

It only took 3 and a half days...

Guess what?! I've had a run in with my neighbours already! It actually happened yesterday but I'm expecting repurcussions any moment now.

TT and I came and viewed this house in April and applied to rent it straight away. We were accepted almost immediately but unfortunately I had to return to the UK on some business. So, TT moved in and started getting the place sorted.

About 2 weeks ago, while I was still in the UK, TT told me that some new neighbours had moved in and that they seemed pretty obnoxious - It's not like her to say anything like that about anyone so I was a little surpised. I didn't think much more about it though.

Then I moved over a couple of days ago and this happened:

We share under-cover carparking with this neighbour but it's not really meant too much as TT doesn't drive and having only just moved in, I've not got a car yet. It hasn't bothered me that the neighbour has been parking right over the line that seperates the two spaces. However, this weekend I've hired a car so that TT and I can go and visit some places for her birthday.

Last night I happened to be outside as the neighbour came home and parked right in the middle of the two spots. I wandered up to him and politely introduced myself as his neighbour. He said "So what?" and walked off. Nice eh?

I didn't loose my temper or anything, I just called after him "I'm going to put a car in our spot tomorrow, so I just wanted to ask if you'd mind parking on your side if you get home before me?" He stopped, turned around and said "I'll park where I need to park. If you can't fit your car in you'll have to use the street" and walked off!

Not amused.

We didn't rush home tonight or anything, but as it happens we got back before him. And my "slightly childish" (!) nature made me park about 1mm (1/16th inch), our-side of the line that seperates the two parking spots. Fuck him.

He's due home any time and I suspect he'll come a-knocking....

We've had a good day. I'll go and fetch the camera and see if I can get some pics to post.


Blogger vuboq said...

*heh* that was evil. VUBOQ approves!

12:39 am  
Blogger Helen said...

Typical Poms, not even here for a week and you're already raising the hairs of our Aussie yobbo losers!
I hate to tell you you're lucky though, I cheated death just the other day when a man (if you could call him that) made five grueling attempts to knock my off the highway after I clapped at him for pulling out unsafely in front of me! Ah, he showed me just how safe he could be.
Welcome to Australia, where even the natives shit on eachother.
Just have fun buddy and if that means you get rid of a few bad eggs, then I for one am more than willing to accomodate.

9:57 pm  
Blogger Only me said...

Vuboq: Glad you approve mate, made me happy!

Helen: Aussie losers=bogans? Am I learning the lingo? Tosser who nearly ran you off the road=tosser? See? I'm getting the hang of this Aussie speak. Thanks for the message!

1:01 am  

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