Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Multimap, tomato sauce and toothpaste - yum yum, lovely mix eh?

Q. What do you call a gay dinosaur?
A. A Gotta-saur-arse. (I'm sorry, really I am....)

Is it getting obvious I'm doing my own art work for these shitty jokes?! Oh hell yeah....

Does anyone use multimap? It's a great site, I wouldn't be without it, but one thing that really annoys me is this: Get directions from London to Langley Burrel. The bit that annoys me is towards the end of the directions. About 4 mile from the final destination multimap recommends that you take a break since you've been driving two hours.

Oh really? I'm under five mins from my final destination, after driving 95 miles. Am I really going to take a break when I can finish my journey in less than five minutes?

I'm just a bit(!) nerdy, I don't understand why the programmers behind the site don't stop such a silly thing happening. They can easily fix it, I wont even embarrass them by telling them how, they've just been lazy. Sort it out fellas....

You'd think this was enough mindless stuff for one day wouldn't you? But no, whingers like me are never done some days...

I often shower at my parents house and as a result I keep a toothbrush there. Today I showered there and afterwards I went to clean my teeth.

I was amazed to find the toothpaste had a screw top on it! I'm so used to just flicking the lid of toothpaste up with my thumb that it was a real shock that i had to actually unscrew it properly!

Then I got caught out almost the same way a few hours later. I went to friends house and tried to use their tomato sauce. I instinctivly squeezed the bottle even though I could plainly see and feel it was made of glass.

It's weird isn't it? I'm just so used to squeezing sauce now I just done it even though i was obviously holding a glass bottle with a screwy lid. Bah. Caught out by screwy lids twice in one day

I done virtually nothing else today except watching some very embarrasing tv. Should I tell you what? ok, I'll tell you cos I can defend my choice, it was "Buffy the vampire slayer". Shut up. I have my reasons, and I don't have a sore wrist or anything like that. If you want to know why you'll have to ask nicely...


Anonymous Anonymous said...



10:24 am  
Blogger Only me said...

Hmm, ok, well done you! My first comment and it's by a weirdo...

I'm glad the first person to notice me is a freak. Well done sunshine!

11:30 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

11:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

10:15 pm  

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