Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Boobies and clingfilm

You know LB is on holidays? Well this evening I fancied going out so I went around to see her girlfriend who I figured would probably be bored without her partner (The holiday was booked before they got together which is why they didn't both go).

She already had another girly friend over so once again I was privvy to girly chat that us boys don't usually get to hear. I don't know why they treat me like one of the girls, I wonder if they're trying to tell me something? Anyway, here's the conversation (Tr is LB's girlfirend, E is her [very attractive] best friend)

Tr: "So, is the clingfilm working?"

E: "Oh yes! It's great, they're really perky now! When I'm old I'm going to have perky tits and everyone else with a bust my size is going to have their nipples rubbing on their knees!"

Me: [thinks "WTF?!"]

Tr: "You know I told you it was a doctor that told me about it? Well, it was actually a bloke at work but he says it's really helped his wifes boobs. She's been doing it over a year now..."

E: "I noticed that when I took it off in the morning my tits were really sweaty so I decided to wrap it all around my stomach too. Sweating is good for losing weight. The trouble is that I move around in my sleep lots so when I got up in the morning it had all bunched together and left a bad mark on my tummy. It looked like I'd been doing weird bondage stuff"

Me: "I'm sorry, but I have to ask - What the fuck are you talking about?"

E: "I told Tr that I'm sure my boobs are starting to go south and I'm only 22! She told me about this doctor who recommended wrapping them in clingfilm before bed..."

So, that explains it. Apparently she's been doing it for about a week and thinks it's great.

I got a text later saying "I've run out of clingfilm, do you think tinfoil would work?" I honestly don't know if she was serious or not...


Blogger vuboq said...

sometimes there are things that i'd rather not know ...

10:33 pm  

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