Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Last night I was feeling v lazy, v drunk and v hungry.

So to address all 3 issues I decided to cook some snack noodles in microwave.

My microwave lives on top of my fridge-freezer. It's content and happy there.

After the two minute ping I removed them to stir about. And then I decided that some frozen veg chucked in would make them a whole lot more edible. I don't really understand why I thought that cos at the time I was hungry enough to eat the saddle of a wooden rocking horse.

Consider this pic (Which was taken after the event:

So you see the microwave happy on top of the freezer? Well, I put the bowl of noodles right in front of the microwave. aka, on the freezer.

Then of course I needed the frozen veg to add. So in drunken stupor I just open the freezer.

This is when the matrix bit happens.

In slow mo I see the bowl falling. I think "noooooooooooooooo!" and slam the freezer door shut.

I look down to the floor and see this:

Yeah. Fucking noodles everywhere. But where's the smashed glass bowl?

After checking and rechecking that it wasn't embedded in my leg or something I tentatively open the freezer....

Look at bottom right shelf.

Totally awesome. Somehow, in a defiance of gravity the noodles made a journey to make a mess on my floor but my lightening reflexes despite drunkeness to the n'th degree managed to save my bowl. And even file it neatly.

I lie not. These pics are exactly as it happened.

And being an uber nerd my first thought was "Shit. I can't blog about this, no one will believe it"

But bollocks, now ya know about the very random post two ago....


Blogger goblinbox said...

Fine work, ya drunken sod! *smooch*

11:13 am  

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