Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sorry no time to post proper. But some Aussie info for you

There's an old joke: How do you make an Irish man dizzy? Stand him in a barrel and tell him to piss in the corner...

That sprung to mind today when I was presented with the pool table to the left. The black board (sorry PC correct UK, the writing board) says on it "Make your own rules!"

I'm told that this pool table has been the scene of more pool related fights than any other in Brisbane. No shit eh? I love a game of pool, and I used to play pretty well when I was a wee young 'un, but imagine being faced with that for a hustley decider game? Bollocks.

Today the joke was definitely on me. How do you make pommie blogger dizzy? Stand him in front of that bastard and tell him the white ball is at the other end....

Aussie slang (Genuine ones):

Thongs = flip-flop type shoes
Stubbie holder=small receptacle for holding bottle of beer
Stubbie=have a guess, Genius
Bottlo=Place licensed to sell alcohol for consumption at home
Bogan=Chav/Twat/Drunken or loud or outspoken idiot
Hissy fit=mildly annoyed (this surprised me as you'd expect it to mean majorly pissed off)
Divvy Van=Police van for carrying drunkards
Woobler= homemade wine
Goon=Cheap wine
ah yeh!!!=ok
ah yeh!!=please
ah yeh!=if you don't mind
aw yeh=sorry
aww yeh...?=I think so
yeh mate!=Another beer please
yeh, mate, yeh!=I think he/she is definitely interested in having sex with you and you should pursue it
yeh! Ya fucking pommie bastard!=Hi, [Author of this guide]!

There we have it. Everything you need to know about Australia. Completely accurate. ahem. I've not got much time so I had to fill some space quickly. You'd better get ready to rest your sphincters tomorrow though, because I've actually got quite a lot of random shit to share. So to speak. That's slang of another kind, not to be taken in any way literally.

And it's not all about sex or anything. Mainly.


Blogger vuboq said...

is that like commie?

why isn't this day over yet? GAH!

oh, and, as creator of Vuboq's Meat-Free Monday, I proudly introduce the Australia Corollary: Meat-Free Monday may be celebrated on Tuesday in Australia.

You're welcome. Now, go eat something with tofu in it.


2:33 am  
Blogger Jay said...

Let me add to your guide:

No wuckin' furries = I mean 'no problem', but this way I sound both cool AND dyslexic.

kin'oath = That's 'absolutely', but I don't want foreigners to know what I mean.

Give us a blowjob, mate = I would like oral sex from you.

11:44 am  
Blogger Only me said...

Vuboq: ooh, I tofu'd out! They do great deals on veggie subway over here!

Jay: Yep, sorry, I missed "kin'oath" of my list, but it was for a reason! [strewth mate, go easy eh?! Have to skull a tinnie from the eskie and shudda in the corner, eh?]

You see the subtle point here? My first guide was "Aussie for beginners", the more advanced stuff comes later! (for example, 'gizza a suck, eh?' rather than 'give us a blowjob, mate'!)

11:20 pm  

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