Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Save the dolphins! Collect a whole set....

My internet connection at home is back! Yey!

I went to the supermarket today and a guy was stood by the checkout selling recyclable cotton bags to people in the queue. He was doing his schpeel about how many hundreds of years a plastic bag takes to biodegrade etc, and to shut him up I bought some.

I now realise it was a huge ploy by the supermarket. Part of the deal when you buy these "re-usable, environment-friendly bags" is that the cashier packs your groceries for you. When I got home I discovered that Dick McNoBrains, the person serving me, had put a packet of raw meat upside down, at the bottom of every bag. OK, I only bought 4 which only cost a few $, but what's the fucking point?

I've now got "re-usable" bags saturated in raw meat juices. My choices are:

a) Bin them (Which kind of defeats the object)
b) Wash them (A washing cycle? All that water? All that electricity? All that detergent ultimately poisoning the great barrier reef?)

My conclusion: Well done Dick McNoBrains, my intelligent cashier and complimentary packer. I hope you're proud of your contribution to saving the environment.

This reminded me of something else. Dolphins.

A few years ago I worked with in an office and had a secretary who was obsessed with dolphins. She loved them. She had a huge poster behind her desk, dolphin screen-saver, dolphin keyrings, dolphin mouse mat, etc.

One day she popped to the local supermarket on her lunch break and came back with some simple groceries. She showed me a tin of tuna she'd bought on some "Special Offer."

I examined it carefully and then pointed out that it didn't have one of those "dolphin friendly" badges on it, and hence, was almost certainly 100% dolphin meat. She didn't talk to me for the rest of the week and never went back to the shop.

Some people have no sense of humour...


Blogger vuboq said...

Maybe you could wash them by hand and use minimal detergent? Or wait for it to rain and wash them in that?

Which reminds me of the Facts of Life episode where Blair wants to save the environment so she washes her hair in rainwater. However, there was some sort of unexplained chemical pollutant in the rainwater and it turned her hair green.

subtle environmental commentary from a 1980s sitcom.

12:43 am  
Blogger Only me said...

If only you'd posted your comment a moment sooner I could have dubbed you "Captain Planer-Saver!" As it is though, I've just chucked them on my weekly bonfire of cardboard boxes and plastic bags...

Only joking of course, I'm not that anti-environment saving, I'm very nature loving, but doesn't it piss you off when people/corporations are so stupid?!

1:05 am  
Blogger Jay said...

I'm simply terrible with plastic bags. In Tesco, I sometimes even double-bag the heavy stuff! And when I bring packed meals to work (especially messy meals with lots of gravy or curry sauce) I stick them into several plastic bags - which I later throw away.

I'm glad there are so many environment-friendly people out there to counterbalance my evilness!

9:43 am  
Blogger Only me said...

Jay: I always do the double-bagging thing myself. It's hugely frowned upon here in Australia where they don't let you bag your own goods. Whatever you buy they ask "Wanna a bag with that mate?". I generally say "Yes please, in fact, could you double bag it please?" They look aghast and TT now has a whole cupboard overflowing with carrier bags.

I'm trying to think what to do with them. This thought will probably be the subject of a very pissy post I do tomorrow night. Tomorrow night is going to be weird.

TT is going out with her friends so I may go out myself. Or I may stay in and inflict pissed rantings on you all. Who knows?

Vuboq: Another thing, isn't the recylcing thing supposed to be about saving energy as well as resources? What about MY energy? Handwashing stuff doesn't grow on trees you know! When greenpeace start campaigning about things that save MY energy I'll consider handwashing. Until then, "hullo washing machine - with three items in...."!

10:46 pm  

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