Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The mega-bring-up-to-date post...

First day back to work - Tue 2nd Jan
We didn't do anything special on the New Years Day holiday. Just bummed around the house. On tuesday it was back to work as normal, within 45 minutes of mundane work shit I'd forgotten about the 10 or so days off. Work has that effect doesn't it?

I went for an early break out onto the roof (views photos). It's where I spend most of my breaks, it's good and the only place to have a quick smoke if the need grabs you. Also very good for planes but I'll save that exiciting post for another day.

As I was about to step out onto the roof I passed one of the very senior members of our company. He was busy gibbering at someone about something important but I saw him try to catch my eye as I passed. I ignored it because I wanted some roof time. Besides, I'm a consultant, I'm not one of their normal employees that has to bow and scrape.

He came bursting onto the roof about a minute later and just called "J, could you pop into my office when you're done please?" I was in no hurry - My contract is only due to run for six months and that expires soon so I just suspeced that they were going to ask me to leave a couple of weeks early. After all, there isn't really much work left to do now (A contractor that works himself out of a job early never has trouble finding another)

I wandered into his office about 3 jumbo jets later. He askd me to close the door behind me. Ooops. Have they disovered I've been stealing office stationary for personal use? Or no! Perhaps it was that letter I sent to the UK on office postage? Perhaps I may care one day?

He asked to to take a seat and proceded to tell me all about some company our company has recently bought out. I wont bore you with details but the crux of the gibber was: "The company we've just bought out has their own database and we want them to adopt ours. We want someone independant to go along and "compare" the two systems and deduce that ours is the best and convince them so. If they happen to have any features better than ours you may build them into our database. This will make them think they've won a battle in the war of takeover."
Now, I think I've made a fairly accurate translation of what I was asked to do. In fact, my version is probably more concise. Yet somehow the meeting to tell me took over two hours. He was so timid and shy about telling me. I don't know why, I've got a thick skin and it take more than dsigruntelled employees to piss me off. So long as I'm getting paid I couldn't give a toss.
The new position was due to begin on Monday of the following week. And guess what? The best news of all - the new office is only a ten minute walk from my house! With views of the bridge and Brisbane river!

My only concern was the South America trip. How would they react when I told them that in mid feb I'm going overseas for four weeks? After all, when I took the position it was due to expire just before we left.

I decided to tell the manager man. I figured that If I work 10 hour days and offer to work saturdays too I could get the equivilent of at least 3 1/2 months work done. And my pay packet would be huge too! He considered it for a moment and then asked me not to tell them.
I start the new job on Monday - yey!

Did I forget to mention? Fri 5th Jan
The new job thingy on Monday revolves around my expertise in a partcular database language. You wanna know what I know about this particular language? Nothing. Nout. Nada. Zero. Zilch. On the way home I go to Borders and pick of a copy of New Language For Dummies. I'll make an impression eh?

First day on new job - Monday 8th Jan
I couldn't get New Database Language for Dummies so I bought New Database Language in 24 hours instead. And over the weekend I read the back of the book several times and then opted to clean the bathroom. It needed doing. I then read the chapter listing and decided that a nicely ironed shirt should make the right impression. I ironed my shirts, even the ones I never wear, twice each. I started on chapter 1. A couple of pages in I remembered I had some filing that really needed doing. Then it was Sunday, the day of rest. I was glad. My couple of pages had worked up the desire for a well earned break.

I'd been asked to arrive at work at about 7.30 which is about 45 minutes later than I'm used to. As the journey is so much shorter I could sleep in too. I didn't get up until 6am which was a nice lay in. Such a lazy start to the day made me tired all day.

I was encouraged to bum around for the morning and get to know people. In the afternoon we had a welcome meeting. During the first part of the meeting the tiredness caught upwith me and I dozed off. I really know how to make the right impression don't I? I wasn't just me, I saw four out of about 10 heads nodding. Eventually a guy called Mr P got up and announced he would fetch some refreshments. He returned less than a minute later with a carton of 4XXX. Apparently they keep a supply in the fridge incase things get too busy to cross the street to the nearest pub! I LOVE THIS COMPANYY!

What work is all about. Tues 9th Jan

BOSS: "Hey everyone, we're going across the road to the pub at midday to welcome Jay to the company. Beers on company!"

Everyone: "Yey!"

11.05am.BOSS to me: "Shit, I wish I'd said 11.30. I'm busting for a beer eh?"Me: "I'm not used to this at all, it's so great I'm happy to wait until 12!"BOSS to me: "Bollocks to that come on, lets get the order in early!"

Us: [Leave]

11.30am.Us: [pissed as Lords]

Hmmm. Fairy heads. Yum. Sat 13th Jan
Today we went to the "alternative cinema" and watched a film called Pans Labyrinth. It wasn't an accident, TT saw a trailer or read a review for this and decided we should see it. We tracked it down and ended up there. I was a little scepticle to say the least. As we joined both the other people in the queue TT warned me: "Quite a few reviewers have said this is a shit film..." My spirts drop slightly. 30 seconds later she adds: "Oh, and it's reputed to be a bit girly". My spirits drop further. Finally she pipes up: "Oh, and it's in Spanish" Hmm. Fucking marvellous.

I've since read the official description of the movie and it's billed as "a fairy tale for adults" I agree. In my opinion it's great. Violent - pehaps overly/unnecessarily so, inriguging, fascinating. I loved it. I've only a spaterring of Spanish and yet I managed to listen to most of it rather than read the subtitles. Not there's a need though, the story is visual.

My favourite scene was perhaps when a horrible monster dude (who usually eats children) made a dietry sacrificice and ate the heads of two fairies. Or maybe when this girl grabs a Spanish general, gives him a chelsea grin and then stabs him in the mouth. This is a fairy tale that's not really for kids.

I can't tell you a thing. Tues 23rd Jan
I took the day off work sick today yesterday. I kind of collapsed on Sunday morning. I have no recollection of it or the hour or so beforehand. Worried? Yes. A bit. I remember waking up yesterday morning and saying to TT I'd get a later bus. The I went back to sleep and woke about 5pm when she got home. Today I made it to work but despite two days sleep I was tired all day, I don't mind being sick but the memory loss is new to me. Dont like it. TT just says I was conscious on Sunday but really spaced out. We've since narrowed it down to being related to my lunch consisting of the hottest curry Brisbane has to offer. Perhaps there is such a thing as the insanity pepper as featured in the Simpsons?

Other stuff
TT is getting urges for these. They are only available in the US. We're willing to pay if anyone can send us some please?

The fireworks Australia is famous for on New Years Eve

And again

The river on New Years Eve

My watch and new chain for my necklace


Blogger vuboq said...

OMG. I am such a schmuck. I've been meaning to ship you some M&Ms for ages. I will get on it this week! SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY. Please don't hate me.

[oh, and the new job sounds super cool!]

12:11 am  
Blogger vuboq said...

and, another thing, did Pan's Labyrinth make you cry in great heaving sobs? or was that just me?

and, who would give that movie a bad review? I thought it was absolutely amazing!!! I hope it wins the Oscar for best foreign language film!

12:18 am  
Blogger Jay said...

-lusts after your hairy wrists-

12:29 pm  
Blogger Only me said...

zjjllb: piss off [I don't think that's a real comment do you?]

Vuboq: It wasn't aimed at you I promise! Quite a few of my readers are US based

Vuboq: Nope, It was just you and TT I think. I was happy that the princess was back where she was supposed to be.

Jay: Great to hear from you matey! Long time. You strange twisted person....(!)

9:31 pm  

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