Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Kritmas is nearly here!

I got the whole Christmas period off work. I was planning to spend most of it blogging, drinking copious amounts of beer and fill the spaces inbetween with driving around and exploring in the hire car I'd booked for the period.

If, after such a long period of neglect, I still have any readers left you'll already know that this didn't happen. I'm not sure where the time went, it just vanished. And I only got completely drunk once (Thanks Helen!)

Our company broke up just after lunch time on 22nd December. The boss gave us each a chirstmas card with a $5 scratchy in it. Although I didn't confess this to anyone. Anyone that asked was promptly told that I got a $50 note in my card which led to much annoyance for my co-workers. When they protested that it wasn't fair that they'd got a scratchy I just attributed it to being a contractor.

I went and collected the hire car and couldn't believe that I had actually been upgraded. I'd originally booked a "Small Car" zand then received an email saying that as they'd screwed up I'd been given a free upgrade to a "medium car". Honestly, you wouldn't believe it. I've coughed up things larger than this car. It's so tiny I'm worried I'm going to lose it. The engine is down scaled appropriately too. It's about 12cc.

On a plus note I've managed to get all of my Christmas shopping done. We don't have a christmas tree but the pile of presents is beginning to look quite impressive.


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