Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Gnome sweet gnome...

The day didn't start well. I'd checked yesterday whether we needed eggs. We had four that claimed to be good until Feb 10 - "Millions away, they'll be fine" I think to myself....Wrong. The first one broke ok. The second one put up a little resistance and didn't crack first time. I assumed it was because my hands were a little greasy from the cooking and tried again. This time the shell cracked but fortunately only fractionally, allowing one slow droop of slime to emerge and begin descending toward the pan. I narrowly averted disaster by unselfishly (I think) taking the gloop on my hand.

I tried to crack the other eggs into a jug to see if they were good. They were all mingy and rotten. I'm convinced the first one was actually a baby chicken but I've been told that's not possible. (Forgive me for believing all these years that eggs were actually designed to produce baby chickens. How fucking stupid have I been? I mean, duh, baby bird from an egg? Don't know what I was thinking when I dreamt that one up....)

I served TT the one good egg because it definately was fine and no slime had gone anywhere near it at all. Not just egg of course, but with mushrooms, tomatoes, bacon, and all other things that make English Breakfast. She asked why I had no egg. I lied and said there were only two and I'd dropped the other. No one wants to hear about slime eggs while eating breakfast do they?

As today is a normal Saturday rather than a public holiday we decided to take the trip to Garden City which was planned for yesterday. I asked for some time to myself and met up with her half an hour later clanging rather loudly as the three gnomes were too much for my bag and I had to carry them very carefully wrapped in carrier bags instead.

We got on the bus home and TT said after about 5 mins: "Can I have a look at my new gnome please?" Bah. Still it was a little obvious from the noise they'd been making and I'd told her I wanted to go to Garden City for something that I couldn't find in Brisbane.

Just incase you wondered, Garden City isn't a major garden centre - that would have been a dead giveaway as we only have our small patch of rainforest - it's actually a place that just happens to have a massive shopping cetnre including a shop with a garden section.

When we got home I gave her the gnomes first. They've joined Froggie and Froggo in the garden and they've been christened. But I can't remember what. I'm crap at names. I then gave her the dress and then the earrings. I think she was happy. Our friends visited and somehow we ended up deciding to go back to their place for beer and stuff.

I remember playing guitar heros or something on an x-box or playstation or something...


Blogger vuboq said...

Aaaah. A gnome of her own. How sweet. I always think of the gnome in Amelie. Love that movie.

11:32 pm  

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