Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I am. I really fucking am.

Three reasons.

a) Earlier some dude tried to beat up on a chick outside my house which meant I had to get involved with the cowardly cunt

b) An ex from UK who was always pyscho has become even more so since discovering I'm returning over Kritmas. She's driving me fucking nuts with continual sms's.

c) The rep from body corp just came over at 4am and told me it wasn't expected for residents to be up at this time of day. Fucking E X C U S E M E!

All of the above are very lucky to not have snapped jaws. Cunts. Every fucking one of them.

Please leave alone and do not approach for at least 3 days or you may accidentally get it.



Anonymous Anonymous said...



6:11 am  
Blogger dykewife said...

*smirk* you know this leaves me wanting to irritate you something fierce. there's something about prodding a sore that makes my day.

i hope life improves somewhat for you.

5:57 pm  
Blogger Only me said...

The world: With my best readers coming in at this level, it makes you wonder why I bother doesn't it? I'm simply not entering the Mr. Has-Lots-Of-Concerned-Friends contest this year. Bastards.

4:35 pm  

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