Triple take

Random ramblings of a British guy that's moved to Australia. And now back to UK.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Rubbish post. Literally.

We have our own rubbish bin but we share two recycling bins with 8 other households.

This has never been a problem before but recently one of the neighbours sold up and moved on. So now we have a new 'neighbour' - another Brit I'm ashamed to admit, and he has no idea when it comes to recycling. He regularly chucks his rubbish into who evers bin is closest and often that's the recycle bin.

Today I caught him in the act. He was trying to cram a big black sack of rubbish into the recycle bin. I felt urged to talk to him....

Me: "Hey! Mate! That's the recycle bin you know?"

Him: "So?"

Me: "Well, that means you put glass, paper, recyclable bottles and stuff like that in there."

Him: "Fuck that. I can't be bothered."

Me: [feeling a little outraged] "Well listen wankface. It's for recyclable stuff only. And while we're on the subject, that bin there is mine. I'd appreciate it if you don't put your crap in it so that it's full when I try to use it"

[he puffs up and starts walking towards my garden]

Him: "What did you just call me?"

Me: "I'm sorry. Is shit head easier for you to understand?"

[he really puffs up now]

Me: "If you put one foot on my steps the outcome wont be pretty pal..."

[he hesitates]

Me: "Now why don't we just forget about this and in future you'll put your rubbish in your bin and recycle the rest?"

Him: "I guess so. I'm new to Australia...."

He came over about an hour later with a bottle of wine for me.

It's amazing what a bit of tact can do isn't it?! And no, you don't want to even know what I'm like when I'm being tactless....


Blogger goblinbox said...

Wow! Nice work!

12:35 pm  
Blogger Only me said...

I was expecting comments telling me to behave. You really shouldn't encourage me you know!

Thanks though... :-)

1:03 pm  
Blogger vuboq said...

Oh, be-HAVE!


Whatever works, y'know.

10:45 pm  
Blogger em nadim said...

On the other side of the world, Canada, the Aussies I know say "it's not our environment" .. But to be fair the recycling rules here are very complicated. You would think they love the environment so much, but they still don't have an efficient public transport system. I'm not sure that trash can fix the damage that is done by the highway system.

1:11 am  
Blogger Only me said...

Vuboq: I can't help but hearing that comment in the voice of the prime ministers assistant in "Little Britain" Do you guys get that series? I'm sorry!

Bala wala shi (can't type the rest): Lots of aussies are pricks about the environment, but I still think every little helps by everyone. Tonight he's filled the bin with polysyrene packaging. The only thing he could have done worse is burn it on my doorstep. We'll see what comes of this occurence soon!

12:39 am  

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